In The News

Expert: navigating a politically divided household

Jacqueline Newman, a NYC divorce attorney, joins LiveNOW from FOX to talk about a Pew Research Center survey that found that 42% of married individuals had frequent disagreements with their spouse due to differing political views. A study by the CDC also found divorce filings fluctuate during major political events.

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No Prenup Means Ben Could Go After J.Lo’s $400 Million

News of Jennifer Lopez filing for divorce from fellow movie star hubby Ben Affleck seemed inevitable by the time Lopez officially filed on Tuesday—but one thing that was unexpected was the reveal that the couple may not have had a prenuptial agreement in place. Lopez and Affleck officially wed in Las Vegas in July of 2022, but had a more formal wedding with family…

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Divorce Attorneys Weigh in on What Happens Next for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck

After months of speculation that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were experiencing marital troubles, they have officially called it quits—again. Lopez filed for divorce on her own at the Los Angeles County Superior Court on August 20, 2024, the second anniversary of their wedding ceremony in Georgia. However, they have been broken up for way longer, as Lopez cited…

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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Announce Divorce After Two Years of Marriage: The End of Bennifer’s Second Chapter

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are getting divorced after 2 years of marriage. The Love and marriage relationship between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, commonly called “Bennifer,” has captured the public’s attention for over two decades. After a brief period of rebirth of their romance in 2021, they married in July 2022 but have faced…

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What’s Taking Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez So Long? Divorce Lawyer Explains Delay!

We’ve been hearing about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck‘s “impending” divorce for months now! But how impending can it be if it hasn’t happened yet? Seriously, if they’re really doing this what’s taking so long? We’ve heard from insiders there are a number of reasons they might be holding back. One said Ben is worried about hurting or…

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A Divorce Attorney Breaks Down Why Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s Divorce Announcement May Take a While

Divorce rumors surrounding Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck first emerged in May, after eagle-eyed fans noticed they hadn’t been photographed together for 47 days. Their couple’s car ride reunion and united front at Affleck’s kids’ graduations did little to quell speculation, especially as they listed and sold their home, spent the summer apart, and have foregone their wedding rings on certain outings. Fans and…

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Why Wealthy Are Different When it Comes to Divorce

By Jacqueline Newman | February 17, 2017 |

Divorce lawyer and author Jacqueline Newman talks why this time of year is known as “Divorce Season,” and why the wealthy often have different issues to contend with than others.

Sorry, We are Not Breaking up!

By Jacqueline Newman | March 1, 2013 |

Most people spend their lives hoping to never talk to a divorce lawyer. But when you think about it, who better to dish out relationship-extending advice? They know exactly what brings couples to the breaking point and into their offices; in fact, the six young female divorce lawyers Glamour interviewed for this story have all had a front-row seat at some major marital battles. But guess what; They’re all happily married themselves, and they’d like you to get —and stay— that way too. Listen in on their horror stories, love stories, and strategies for keeping a ring on it.

The Divorcée Whistleblower: A Gold Digger’s Guide to Exposing Your Ex and His Company

By Jacqueline Newman | January 11, 2017 |

I just finished Soon-to-be-Ex, a Guide to the Perfect Divorce and Relaunch, nothing less than a tour de force by Manhattan’s titan of divorce, lawyer Jacqueline Newman.

So far as I can tell, she’s the go-to-gal for divorcing Upper East Side New Yorkers (meaning the rich ones) – the book written especially for women. The brilliant and sometimes hilarious book systematically describes how to destroy your spouse in court, as well as guiding you through the treacherous terrain of what she calls “Divorceland”.

This Is the Most Popular Age to Get Divorced

By Jacqueline Newman | December 13, 2017 |

Originally printed in Bravo TV After walking down the aisle on your wedding day, and saying ‘I Do’ to a lifetime with your partner, the last thing you think about is whether or not your relationship will one day come to an end. But, in the United States alone, about 40 to 50 percent of…

How To Tell Your Partner You Want A Divorce

By Jacqueline Newman | July 18, 2018 |

Jacqueline Newman contributes to an article on acknowledging mutual unhappiness when it comes to telling your partner you want a divorce.  You can read the full article HERE.

10 Tech Issues to Consider If You’re Going Through a Divorce

By Jacqueline Newman | February 18, 2015 |

If the end of a marriage is looming, it can seem insane to be thinking about things like how to deal with that shared Flickr account, who the iPhone 6 contract really belongs to, and even what to tell your Facebook friends.

But treating these shared intangibles with less consideration than the traditional stuff can impact your divorce, whether it’s a Facebook venting session ultimately affecting a judge’s child custody decision or an unwiped computer allowing a vengeful ex to stalk you.

A BIG Divorce

By Jacqueline Newman | January 16, 2019 |

The divorce of Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos has sent ripples throughout the technology world.  How much information on the divorce will enter the public sphere?  Jacqueline Newman, a Manhattan divorce lawyer, said: “For the most part they’re going to want to keep things private and quiet. Especially in the case of a public company –…

Brangelina Divorce

By Jacqueline Newman | September 29, 2016 |

The second episode of the Fordham IPLJ Podcast tackles the Brangelina Divorce with a prominent divorce attorney Jacqueline Newman. The unthinkable happened last week, when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie decided to split up. Amidst reports of Pitt’s infidelity and possible domestic abuse towards the couple’s children, the IPLJ Podcast attempts to sift through the reports and predict the way the legal split will play out.

Are Hyphenated Last Names Harmful for Kids?

By Jacqueline Newman | July 23, 2015 |

With less than half of kids living in a home with two married heterosexual parents, it’s no wonder that giving a newborn dad’s last name isn’t automatic anymore. But an Australian former couple, who has been warring over their son’s last name for the past two years, takes the surname dilemma to a whole new level. 

D.C. Lawyer Suing Former Girlfriend For Return Of A $100,000 Engagement Ring

By Jacqueline Newman | September 26, 2018 |

“The wedding band is considered marital property,” says Jacqueline Newman, a managing partner at Berkman, Bottger, Newman & Schein in New York. “If it’s marital property, it’s subject to division. If you get divorced a month later, she still gets to keep the engagement ring. I often joke with my male friends, ‘Spend more money…

Buy Jacqueline's Book

The New Rules of Divorce is the definitive guide to navigating divorce in today’s world.