7 Things You Secretly Need to Do Before You Get Divorced

When you are preparing for divorce there may be certain things not to do openly.  Jacqueline Newman contributes to this new article from Glamour that discusses things you might do in secret before your divorce goes through.  That includes paying closer attention to your money and creating a social media game plan.  Read the full…

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If You Want To Stay Married, Don’t Earn Too Much

Jacqueline Newman recently contributed to a Yahoo! Finance article on how earning more can increase your chances of divorce.  The article covers various factors.  For example, Newman cited that the high-income earner may have a job that requires travel and long hours. “Then they spend a lot of time apart,” she said. “That causes a…

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Being Rich May Increase Your Odds Of Divorce

Did you know that making more money can also increase the chance that you get divorced?  Jacqueline Newman contributes to the full article at CNBC, which you can read HERE.  Here is a short excerpt: In addition, the high-income earner may have a job that requires travel and long hours, noted Jacqueline Newman, the managing…

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Thinking of getting a divorce?

Are you thinking that you want a divorce? That is the first question that Jacqueline Newman, a New York City attorney asks her clients. Jacqueline’s also the author of Soon-to-Be Ex: A Woman’s Guide to Her Perfect Divorce and Relaunch and Soon-to-Be Ex for Men: Preserving Wealth, Fatherhood, and Sanity during Divorce. Then there are also questions about a…

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