What Happens When Billionaires Breakup

“The major thing for billionaires is that most of the time, their assets are very complex and mostly illiquid — with Bezos, a lot of his assets are linked to Amazon stock,” Jacqueline Newman, a divorce attorney and managing partner at Berkman Bottger Newman & Schein LLP, told Business Insider.  Read the full article HERE.

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Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos Did Not Have a Prenup, Do You Need One?

“A prenuptial agreement is an agreement entered before marriage,” says New York City divorce lawyer Jacqueline Newman. “Generally, what prenups will cover are the two big D’s in life: divorce and debt.  “Depending on how much you want to put into the agreement, it has the capacity to dictate how assets are going to get…

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How will Jeff Bezos’ $137 Billion Divorce Play Out?

New York City Divorce Lawyer Jacqueline Newman helps tackle a 137 billion dollar question:  What is going to happen with Jeff Bezos’ divorce to wife of 25 years MacKenzie Bezos?  Read the full VICE article on why Newman thinks that things may go simpler than some expect, regardless of the large dollar amounts involved.  Or…

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Jeff Bezos’ Divorce And Dating Lauren Sanchez

As Jeff Bezos’ divorce is in the news, so is his allegedly dating former TV anchor and pilot Lauren Sanchez.  How does this effect Jeff Bezos’ ongoing divorce proceedings, if at all?  Divorce lawyer Jacqueline Newman offers some thoughts, which you can watch HERE.    

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Jeff Bezos Did Not Have a Prenuptial Agreement

Jeff Bezos is getting divorced, raising a series of questions from the impact on Amazon’s stock prices and ownership of the Washington Post and other assets.  A prenuptial agreement could have clearly spelled out who gets what, but Jeff Bezos did not have one.  Join divorce attorney Jacqueline Newman and others as they discuss the…

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Requesting Supervised Visits

more tips here viagra 25 mgVisited supervised by a court monitor might sound scary, especially when a divorced parent is trying to have time with their child or children.  But it can also be an advantage to show changed or otherwise improved behavior.  Over Christmas Brad Pitt visited with many of his children with a…

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Making Your Divorce As Painless As Possible

Jacqueline Newman, a managing partner at a top New York City divorce law firm, recently shared four pieces of advice on how to make divorce proceedings as painless as possible.  The first is not to jump into litigation immediately.  Instead, consider other options to settle the divorce out of court.  Litigation can create hard feelings,…

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Divorces Are About To Get More Expensive

Jacqueline Newman contributed to this Vice Article on the GOP tax overhaul’s effect on divorce agreements finalized after January 1.  Those divorce agreements will no longer be eligible for a tax deduction for alimony payments. Read the entire article HERE.

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Trump’s Tax Law Pushing People To Divorce Faster To Save Money

Unhappy couples are rushing to finalize divorces before the end of 2018, all to save money under President Donald Trump’s tax law.  “It is a complete madhouse,” Jacqueline Newman, managing partner at Berkman Bottger Newman & Schein in New York, told the publication.  Read the rest of the article at Newsweek HERE or on Yahoo HERE.

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