7 Reasons Spouses, Partners Lie About Money

Infidelity does not have to mean the bedroom and can involve finances too. That can be one spouse spending, borrowing, withholding or hiding money without telling their partner. Such financial infidelity can damage a marriage just like any other type. Read the full article on AARP’s website.

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Valentine’s Day & Divorce

What happens when you are considering divorce (whether in your head or out loud) and February rolls around? If it is still all internal thoughts, you may still go to the card store and spend an extra half hour finding a card that does not overpromise love forever or make claims of soulmates. You may…

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Social Media & Divorce

Are you getting divorced and are active on social media?  What may seem like a venting or even sharing post can have an impact on divorce cases.  New York Divorce Attorney Jacqueline Newman covers why it’s a good idea to be careful on social media.  You can read the entire article on that and other…

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Who is MacKenzie Bezos?

Despite her critical role in founding and growing Amazon, not much is known about MacKenzie Bezos.  Jacqueline Newman, a NYC matrimonial lawyer who works with high-income clients, has said that the divorce will probably be settled privately, and she does not foresee MacKenzie challenging Jeff’s control of Amazon by demanding 50 percent of his stock.…

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A BIG Divorce

The divorce of Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos has sent ripples throughout the technology world.  How much information on the divorce will enter the public sphere?  Jacqueline Newman, a Manhattan divorce lawyer, said: “For the most part they’re going to want to keep things private and quiet. Especially in the case of a public company –…

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