Another Celebrity Divorce

Nicole Young, wife of musician Dr. Dre, has filed for divorce. The couple married back in 1996 and have 2 children. When a couple has been together for awhile the question comes up, “why now?” and “what happened?” While it’s impossible to tell as the divorce filing listed “unreconcileable differences”, divorce lawyer Jacqueline Newman shared…

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Of Elections & Divorces

Stress factors in life can carry over into stressing out marriages. That is true for the COVID-19 pandemic and related economic fallout. It can also be true for politics and elections. New York City divorce attorney Jacqueline Newman says divorce rates are likely to increase across the nation as a result of the election. “There…

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What Is A ‘Sleep Divorce’?

Many couples sleep differently and a ‘sleep divorce’ (a married couple not sleeping in the same bed) may counterintuitively help a relationship. New York divorce attorney Jacqueline Newman explains: “Everyone’s cranky if you don’t get enough sleep—and you take it out on the people who you hold near and dear, most often your spouse.” A…

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